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Monday, December 16, 2013

Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition Updates and Action Alert: Meeting Reminder & Farm Bill Update

Updates & Action Alert 
AHNC December Meeting and Farm Bill Update

AHNC December Meeting: Dec. 19
Please join us for our December membership meeting next Thursday, Dec. 19 at 1:00 p.m. Our meeting will be by phone only. We'll be discussing the Governor's Budget, scheduled to be released earlier that week, and giving updates on what this means for our 2014 legislative priorities.
When: December 19, 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Call: 712-432-0900, Access Code: 677657
Farm Bill Update
At this time, Congress does not have plans to vote on a conference report for the Farm Bill until early January. The lead negotiators on the Farm Bill hope that the conference report, once passed by the Conference Committee, will move swiftly through votes in the House and the Senate in order to pass a new five-year Farm Bill before the end of January.

Take Action!

With no Farm Bill reauthorization before the end of the year, this means that we have time to continue to tell our Congressional delegation that we need a Farm Bill that fights hunger -- one that protects SNAP! Here are three actions you can do before the end of the year to help protect SNAP:

1. Send a holiday card to our Senators and your member of Congress, letting them know #whogoeshungry when SNAP benefits are cut.
2. Continue to find and share the stories about how real cuts to SNAP hurt real people:
  • Tweet the link to our SNAP Client Stories page to your networks with the hashtags #protectSNAP and #FarmBill. 
  • You can also add stories to our client stories page.  Use this story collection template to ask the kinds of questions that help frame a particularly impactful story. Send your stories to Carrie for posting onto our page so that others can tweet the link to their networks.

3. Let us know if you are meeting or would like help with a meeting that you have set up with your Congressional member while they are back in district for the holidays. Email Carrie with the information.

4. Read this blog post from our friends at the Children's Alliance, then click the link at the end of the post to send an email to Congress telling them no more cuts to SNAP in the Farm Bill.

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Anti-Hunger Nutrition Coalition: Hunger Action Day-Register Today!

Hunger Action Day - Register Today

Join advocates from across the state to ensure Washington families don't go hungry!

If you plan to come to Olympia on February 7, register now!

Once you register, we schedule appointments for you on Hunger Action Day with your legislators, so remember to include your legislative district.

You will also get information about the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition's legislative agenda, links to policy papers and advocacy tips to use throughout the legislative session and on Hunger Action Day.

Learn More About Hunger Action Day.

Please encourage your colleagues, board members, volunteers, neighbors and family to sign up for Hunger Action Day and make your voices heard!

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Meet Our Members: Yakima Food Bank

By Stephanie Marin, Advocacy Assistant

Yakima Food Banks Client Card
Volunteers keep organized with
this handy chart for food placement
Located on Central Ave, Yakima Food Bank is one of several food banks serving the Yakima area.  The completely volunteer run food bank serves more than 400 families in the three hours every week.  To receive food, clients fill out a simple client card with information about ages and number of people in their household.  Clients can then shop the food line with volunteers who help monitor and choose food products.
 Right outside the building’s exit, the “produce patio” holds a variety of fruit and vegetable choices for clients to supplement food received inside.

Watermelon from Northwest Harvest
The food bank also utilizes every nook and cranny for food storage with donations from a variety of sources including two of Washington’s largest distributors Northwest Harvest (conveniently right down the street) and 2nd Harvest.
They have created community partnerships to make sure fresh foods are continually available as well.   Ray’s IGA supermarket provides the food bank with five to six boxes per day of produce while the Union Gospel Mission collects bread from local grocery stores and offers it to Yakima Food Bank and St. Vincent de Paul food bank.  To make sure nothing goes to waste, the food bank provides a local animal farmer spoiled produce on a weekly basis.
The Produce Patio
Fridge Storage for Produce and Perishables

Freezer Storage

Super Volunteer Earl Hall outside the Food Bank
To learn more about Yakima Food Bank, Please Visit:

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

AntiHunger & Nutrition Coalition, Update and Action Alert: National Call-In Day to Protect SNAP

Update & Action Alert 
National Call-In Day to Protect SNAP

Wednesday, Dec. 4 is a National Day of Action to protect SNAP. Anyone can call their member of Congress using this toll-free number: (877) 752-6479. When prompted, enter your zip code and listen to the brief instructions. Sample message:
  • As a constituent, I'm hoping [MEMBER OF CONGRESS] will oppose any cuts to SNAP as you consider the Farm Bill and other legislation this year.
  • Current SNAP proposals would be devastating to families and children across the country and would cause more than 4 million people to lose benefits entirely. In WA, hundreds of thousands of households would see cuts or lose benefits altogether and WA can't afford that.
  • I am asking [MEMBER OF CONGRESS] to oppose cuts to SNAP.

Join and promote our Thunderclap on Dec. 4 via Facebook & Twitter - Get the message out before Wednesday.  

Thunderclap shares a common message from thousands of people at the same time through Facebook and Twitter. Supporters must sign up in advance, and then Thunderclap blasts a timed Facebook post and/or Tweet from all who are registered. Sending the message at the same time maximizes impact. This Thunderclap is scheduled for December 4 at 9am (noon, EST), so please encourage your networks to sign up in advance. Sign up here:  ( to join our Thunderclap in support of SNAP.

Urge your organization and your social media networks to participate - you can use these sample Facebook posts and Tweets:

  • Congress is considering unprecedented cuts to food stamps for hungry families. Join our Dec 4 Thunderclap to make your voice heard and tell our leaders no cuts to SNAP.  
  • December 4 is a National Day of Action to Protect SNAP. Join our Thunderclap to make our voices heard as we tell Congress loud and clear that #SNAPWorks 
  • Do you want to be one of thousands raising your voice in support of hungry families on SNAP? Join our Thunderclap to share your support on Facebook and Twitter on our National Day of Action: 

  • Protect families from going hungry. Join the Dec 4 @ThunderclapIt to make your voice heard. Sign up today #SNAPworks
  • Join the @ThunderclapIt for the National Day of Action on Dec. 4 to Protect SNAP! Sign up today #SNAPworks
  • Congress may cut food for hungry kids, seniors, families. Join the Dec 4@ThunderclapIt to say no. Sign up today #SNAPworks
  • National Day of Action to Protect SNAP is Dec. 4. Support the @ThunderclapIt to make your voice heard! #SNAPworks
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Monday, December 2, 2013

Meet Our Members: Cle Elum HopeSource

By Stephanie Marin, Advocacy Assistant

Cle Elum HopeSource makes the most of their small facility providing energy, transportation, housing, financial literacy, and nutrition services.   Approximately 25 families per day utilize HopeSource’s food bank. Open Mondays and Wednesdays, residents can come up to twice per month to receive a variety of food products.  The HopeSource Food bank receives a good portion of their food from Northwest Harvest.  On top of this, many of the food pantry’s donations come from the local Safeway and other local donors including restaurants and private citizens.  With Safeway’s food drives this time of year, they can receive up to 16 food bags per day!  HopeSource partners with a local company to store nonperishable items for later use to make the most of these donations. To supplement their short hours during the week, the organization keeps a room full of staples including beans, rice, bread, and onions free to take during any business hours. They also partner with the local animal rescue organization AARF to offer dog and cat food to clients with pets.  To find out more about HopeSource, Please Visit:

Staples Offered During Any Business Hours!

Bread offered During Any Business Hours!
HopeSource offers education with Food
 with these serving size guidelines 

HopeSource is able to offer unique and tasty proteins thanks to donations like this one...Elk!

Bags from Safeway awaiting sorting

This row of fridges and freezers keeps food donations fresh!

To help shopping,  food bank clients choose items
they would like from this white board
and volunteers find the items in the fridges and freezers.

Some of the Pet Food Donations courtesy of AARF

Some of the Food Available to HopeSource Clients

Don't forget to make use of your volunteer's talents!
HopeSource does with this volunteer's love for organization