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Thursday, November 11, 2010

Energize Nutrition Newsletter Focuses on Emergency Food Providers

This month's edition of Energize Newsletter, a Newsletter for Nutrition Educators, focused on the role of NGOs and Food Assistance.

Key Players in Direct Service to Food Banks – In Washington State, several non- profit organizations collect and distribute food to food banks and other centers that provide food to hungry families and individuals. Although the organizations aim to provide direct service, most of them also advocate for anti-hunger efforts, hold fundraising events, and place an increasing emphasis on nutrition.

You can download the newsletter and read more by clicking here.

1 comment:

  1. In preparing for emergency food, one should first think of the needs of each member of the family. If you have an infant or a senior in your home, you have to take into consideration their special needs while preparing your emergency food. Next, you need to prepare an emergency water storage plan that will not only provide clean water for drinking but also, if applicable, for hygienic and sanitation purposes. Lastly, it is vital that you carefully choose the type of food that you will store in your survival kits. Aside from preparing the usual foods eaten by your family, you also need to choose ones that have longer shelf life.
