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Monday, March 14, 2011

It’s Time to Think About Summer Meals for Kids

There are hungry kids in every county in Washington during the summer

367,000 families in Washington face the threat of hunger every day; 452,076 schoolkids

get free or reduced price meals during the school year. Many of them rely on the federal Summer Food Service Program (Summer Meals) that provides free meals and snacks to children and teens to ensure they have enough to eat when school is out.

Your organization or school can help feed kids through the

Summer Meals program

Girl with milkSummer meals programs are supported through OSPI by USDA funds to serve kids (18 yrs and younger) at Summer Meal sites in eligible schools, parks, summer activities, food banks, churches and more. Washington’s new “Summer Meals Guide” is filled with information, ideas and people to help you get started.

Summer Meal programs in your community - who has been

feeding local kids?

See which schools or organizations in your county hosted meal sites in 2010 – where

they were, how long they operated and who to talk to in your community to get ready for Summer 2011.

Now is the time to plan for Summer Meals in 2011

Boy with appleCommunity partnerships make Summer Meal programs successful. The WA Summer Meals Statewide Partnership developed a resource Toolkit to help partners identify needs, gaps and ways to work together for a successful summer program.

What's Next?

Organizations that want to sponsor a Summer Meals program work with the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to get training, information and support throughout the spring and summer. Here is what your local sponsor needs to know for summer 2011:

Sign up

The WA Summer Meals Partnership sends periodic newsletters to keep statewide partners up-to-date on the latest information about the Summer Meals Program.

1 comment:

  1. The St. Leo Food Connection will again be hosting Summer Meals sites in Tacoma, Lakewood and Burlington.
