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Monday, October 17, 2011

From The Rescue Mission: The Power of Sharing

Rescue Mission Blog

The Power of Sharing

non profits sharingSeems like most every parent I know spends a lot of time trying to teach their children to share.  It must be important.  Yet somehow non-profits, churches and other agencies that really should want to share and benefit from the expertise and strengths of likely partner organizations seem to want to dig in and go it alone.
Years ago I while doing strategic coaching for a group of churches and Christian schools in South America, I became aware of a church that needed a big tent for an outdoor event.  Fortunately, I also knew of another church nearby that owned just such a tent.  When I tried to connect the two, it was the church that was looking for a tent that eventually squashed the deal. They wanted their own tent, despite that fact they weren't going to use to much and it was thousands of dollars they didn't have.  Sad, especially considering their all part of the same spiritual family.
This isn't unusual, it happens all the time.  
A few thoughts on partnership:
Take the first step. If you believe in partnership and collaboration, stop doing something you are mediocre at and partner with another group that is great at that.
Think results, not credit. Ideally, non-profits should be out to put people first and see positive outcomes first and foremost.  But, we're human, and often people just want credit for doing something, even if it's the wrong thing.  Don't do that.
Look to include: if you've got something good, share it with others and with other organizations.
Participate: How would you add to this list? Why is it so hard for non-profits and other groups to share and collaborate?
David Curry

Read all of David Curry's blogs at or visit the Rescue Mission at

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