Where will the kids eat lunch this summer?
Please help children enjoy a nutritious meal every day throughout the summer by considering one of the following:1. Sponsor summer feeding sites.
2. Operate a summer feeding site.
3. Provide meals for a sponsor of summer feeding sites.
If you are already doing one of the above, consider one of the following:1. Open multiple summer feeding sites.
2. Serve two meals and/or snacks daily instead of one.
3. Increase the number of days meals are offered this summer to at least 40 days.
The USDA has provided the following information to assist you in this process:
How You Can Help Feed Children This Summer Through the Summer Food Service Program
Quick Links:
What is the Summer Food Service Program?
Millions of eligible low-income children may be going hungry in the summer. Of the 21 million children who receive free and reduced-priced meals through the National School Lunch Program during the regular school year, only 3.5 million participate in summer meal programs. You can be a game-changer by feeding more children nutritious meals during the summer and lowering the risk of hunger.The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally funded program administered by the States that helps fill the summer meal gap for low-income children by reimbursing organizations that serve children meals at feeding sites during summer months. Schools, churches, recreation centers, playgrounds, parks, and camps can provide summer meals in neighborhoods with high percentages of low-income families, making a positive impact on the lives of children in need. These summer food sites are safe and familiar locations where children naturally gather during the summer.
How Can You Help Feed More Children This Summer?
Become an Advocate
- Summer Flyer (english & spanish) – pass out to your community, hang up in your communities center, schools, etc.
- Social Media: Check out the sample twitter and facebook posts that you can use to help spread the word about Summer Meals! Follow the Food and Nutrition Twitter account at @USDAnutrition and include the hashtag #SummerMeals when promoting SFSP
- PSA’s: Radio stations play public service announcements (PSAs) for free as part of their programming. You can download our audio PSA’s and take them to a local radio station so they can play them for listeners. Learn how by clicking here!
You can be creative and produce your own PSA for the Summer Food Service Program. In 2012, Feeding America unveiled PSA’s to prevent millions of children from going hungry in the summer. Check out their “Wishful Thinking” PSA.
Partner with Existing Summer Feeding Sites or Sponsors
- Volunteer at a feeding site – To find a feeding site near you that needs volunteers please contact your state agency or visit the United We Serve webpage.
- Host an activity at a feeding site – Bringing activities to feeding sites is what keeps participation high at feeding sites. To see some great examples of activities at summer feeding sites check out FNS’s Best Practices Page.
- Find other organizations in your community that you can partner with such as your local Boys and Girls Clubs, YMCA’s, schools, etc. Many organizations in your community may already serve summer meals but could use your help to expand their program.
- Open a new summer feeding site – You can work with your state agency to find an eligible location for a feeding site as well as a sponsor to oversee and provide the meals! For more information on opening your own summer feeding site click here.
When it comes to the summer feeding you can be creative in the ways that you help your community.
Out of every 6 students that gets free or reduced price school meals, only 1 out of 6 received a summer meal!
Get involved in the Summer Food Service Program to help close this gap.
For more information on the Summer Food Service Program please visit: www.fns.usda.gov/sfsp
For More Information, Contact:
Jennifer Mitchell MS, RD
Summer Food and Special Projects Supervisor, OSPI
(360) 725-6056
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