It began as just a strong and sturdy
1994 Ford F-250. It was then lined, matted, and filled with soil. Next came the
plants: tomatoes,
borage, nasturtium, basil, peppers, lettuce, broccoli, stevia, marjoram,
onions, radishes, beets, carrots and Swiss chard. The bed of the truck has a
piece of Plexiglas at the end so kids can see how plants grow. Kids participate
in planting, harvesting, seed saving, plant identification, taking care of
worms, drawing and many more activities.
It also encourages kids to try vegetables they might not be exposed to or have ever tried before. One activity the kids engage in is making plant containers out of old newspapers. Check out this video to do it yourself! They are then given soil and can select plant seeds to grow their own vegetables at home. For more information: Check out their Facebook here!
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