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Friday, December 2, 2011

Support Have A Heart For Kids Day

hhkd09_kidonshoulderswsigns.jpgToday is the day. Kids, parents, grandparents, teachers, aunties, and advocates are filling the offices of legislators and the Capitol steps to demand that our legislators protect our future, and protect kids.
Boost their power and magnify their impact by making your voice heard today too. Today is a day when legislators, along with all our friends and family, should be surrounded by the message that it's time for our Washington State lawmakers to protect our future and protect kids.
Here's what you can do:
  1. Spread the word! Join Children's Alliance on Facebook. Check out the proclamation by, for, and about the kids of Washington. Share it with friends, post it to your wall, and add your comments. Check out our page throughout the day for updates to share with friends.
  2. Call the Legislative Hotline and leave a message for your three legislators and the Governor. It's easy! Call toll-free 1-800-562-6000.

    An operator will take your message and send it off. Here's a sample message (Feel free to edit.)

    "Please protect kids and families as you balance the budget. Kids and families are already suffering from the recession and budget cuts. Please protect investments in Apple Health for Kids, Working Connections Child Care and State Food Assistance."

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